The weekend of October 1-3, 2010 was an action packed weekend of comprised of numerous activities, meetings and dinners. It was the usual social highlight of the Society's year, and a great opportunity to create new friends, and re-kindle old friendships. The administrative aspect of the AGM were held at the Delta on Queen St., Ottawa. The usual Board meetings and the annual general meeting made up the administrative component of the weekend. Administratively, David M. Cvet will continue as President of the Society for a third term. Ted McNabb was elected to the Board, and most of the other positions did not change.

The weekend opened with the traditional Beley Lecture, by Dr Keith James, LRHSC on “The Heraldic Entrapment of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.” A most fascinating presentation on the Earl, who was the son of the Duke of Norfolk and who was executed for treason by Henry VIII solely on account of the coat of arms he claimed – a heraldic crime!?! It's interesting that heraldry can sometimes be "hazardous to one's health!" The annual general meeting, opened to all membership was held Saturday morning in the Confederation Room, Delta. This was followed by lunch and a presentation on the features and functions of the Society's website by David M. Cvet. The afternoon offered to many members in attendance, a chance to tour the Canadian Heraldic Authority's office located at Rideau Hall.

Saturday culminated with an evening Gala Dinner held at the
Canadian Museum of Civilization located across the Ottawa River in Gatineau, Quebec. The evening began at 6pm with the President's Reception in the Southern Salon, which included the Investitures of Fellow Cathy Bursey-Sabourin (Fraser Herald) and Honorary Fellows David M. Cvet & David E. Rumball, along with a presentation of a Licentiate diploma to Dr. Keith James.

Following the reception, dinner was served in the North Salon and all attending dinner were treated to ten magnificent Queen's Beasts on display. Guests were then treated to the inaugural "Wilkes Lecture", named after our esteemed member, John B. Wilkes.

The guest speaker, David E. Rumball, FRHSC (Hon) delivered an interesting presentation on the Queen's Beasts and their chronicles and Canadian connection. Guests were also treated to a proclamation of arms to David Douglas (a new member who joined the Society this year) by the CHA's Saguenay Herald, Forest Pass.
Overall, an most enjoyable weekend, kudos to David Rumball for single-handedly (more or less) organizing this event. Additional photographs of the event can be found on the Society's website under
photo album.