The Royal Heraldry Society of Canada has a long history with the Office of the Governor General, beginning with the
Right Hon. D. Roland Michener, CC, CD, Canada's 20th Governor General (1967 - 1974) being the Society's first Patron, who had graciously extended his Patronage to the then Heraldry Society of Canada in 1969. Interestingly, in the previous year, his Excellency had applied for a life membership with the Society, and Mrs. Michener was also a regular member of the Society. It was clear that their Excellencies both had a keen interest in heraldry and the endeavours of the Society back in 1969.

The Society has enjoyed the Patronage of all of the following Governors General up to including, the newly appointed,
his Excellency David Lloyd Johnston, CC, CMM, COM, who is the 28th Governor General since the Canadian Confederation. In November, he had graciously extended his Patronage to the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada becoming the 9th Governor General Patron of the Society. The Society is both honoured and pleased with the Patronage and hope that we will be able to coordinate his Excellency's calendar to allow him to grace us with his presence at some future Society's event.